Peak Reporting LLC's environmental reports are designed and conducted to adhere to, and oftentimes exceed, the requirements set forth by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). These standards were written to establish good site assessment practices that satisfy one of the due diligence responsibilities of participants in commercial real estate transactions with respect to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).

The ASTM Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is the industry standard property due diligence assessment which addresses environmental risks that could potentially devalue a property and impact finances. The Phase I ESA is a non-intrusive study of the environmental condition of a property involving a visual inspection by a trained Environmental Professional, a review of historical and regulatory records, interviews, and a detailed report identifying any Recognized Environmental Condition (REC) in connection with the property, if any exist.

The ASTM Phase I ESAs provide you with certain landowner liability protection. Without appropriate due diligence, you may be responsible for cleaning up recognized environmental contamination on your property - even if you didn't put it there.

Peak Reporting, LLC is a proud member of the Environmental Assessment Association and Association of Construction Inspectors.